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13 Avr. – 28 Mai 2022

Castles, Arles, Katelyn Eichwald


Katelyn Eichwald


13/04/22 - 28/05/22

Katelyn Eichwald (b.1987, Chicago, IL) lives and works in Chicago. She holds a BFA from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and an MFA from California College of the Arts, San Francisco. She has been the subject of two solo exhibitions at Fortnight Institute in New York: ‘Never’, 2021, and ‘Good Boy’, 2018. Select recent group exhibitions include: ‘Portals’, MISAKO & ROSEN (Tokyo, 2022); ‘Stress Tested’ co-curated by Emma cc Cook, Public Gallery (London, 2021); ‘In Resonance with David Byrd’, Fleisher/Ollman (Philadelphia, 2021); ‘Nine Lives’, Fortnight Institute (New York, 2021); ‘Library Arrangement’, ReadingRoom (Melbourne, 2021); ‘Face in the Wind’, Et al. (San Francisco, 2021); and ‘Lonely Ones’ curated by Katelyn Eichwald, Fortnight Institute (New York, 2021).
Forthcoming exhibitions include a two-person presentation at Liste Art Fair with Sultana, June 2022; ‘About Painting’, Galerie Rolando Anselmi (Rome, October 2022); and a two-person exhibition with T.J. Rinowski at Cob Gallery (London, November 2022).

Les compositions enchantées de Katelyn Eichwald ne sont pas peintes sur leurs toiles autant qu’elles émergent de leurs fibres, planant provisoirement à la surface assez longtemps pour que nous puissions distinguer les informations qu’elles sont venues transmettre. En parcourant Castles, la première exposition personnelle de Katelyn Eichwald en Europe, enveloppée par les murs roses de la galerie, les fils d’une histoire nébuleuse commencent à se tisser. Forteresses eschériennes, chaînes scintillantes, dentelles entrecroisées et cheveux tressés sont ponctués de tableaux d’animaux sylvestres et de fleurs délicates. Un tendre sentiment de prise au piège s’en dégage. Nous nous sommes entretenues avec Katelyn, qui est basée à Chicago, à l’occasion de son début à Sultana, à Paris et à Arles du 1er avril au 28 mai.

~ Mélanie Scheiner

Katelyn Eichwald’s enchanting, quiet compositions aren’t painted onto their surface as much as they emerge from their fibers, hovering tentatively at the surface long enough for us to make out the information they have come to convey. Moving through Castles, Eichwald’s first solo exhibition in Europe, ensconced by the gallery’s dusty pink walls, the strands of a nebulous story begin to take shape. Escherian fortresses, glimmering chains, criss-crossed laces and plaited hair are punctuated by tableaux of sylvan animals and delicate flowers. A tender sense of entrapment pervades. We spoke with Katelyn, who is based in Chicago, on the occasion of her debut at Sultana, on view across the gallery’s Paris and Arles locations from 1 April - 16 May.

~ Mélanie Scheiner

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Sultana Summer Set, Arles - Exhibition view
© François Deladerrière

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Sultana Summer Set, Arles - Exhibition view
Castle for Wife, 2022
Oil on canvas / Huile sur toile
45.7 x 61 cm

© François Deladerrière

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Far Away, 2022
Huil sur lin / Oil on linen
91.4 x 121.9 cm

© François Deladerriere

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Deer, 2020
Oil on canvas / Huile sur toile
40.6 x 50.8 cm

© François Deladerrière

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Sultana Summer Set, Arles - Exhibition view
© François Deladerrière