Walter Pfeiffer Cover Image

Walter Pfeiffer

Born in 1946

Lives & works in Zurich

Walter Pfeiffer has been exploring the eroticized, festive and intimate territory of everyday life for over thirty years, aiming to visually translate notions of beauty and freedom in unprecedented ways. First celebrated by underground culture, his now cult work, emblematic of gay culture, prefigures a whole iconography that addresses the performative aspect of cross-dressing and the notions of sexuality and identity. Heir to photographers such as Wilhelm von Gloeden or Herbert List and to the painter Paul Cadmus, contemporary of Larry Clark, Nan Goldin or Peter Hujar, he has built a founding work for contemporary photography which has deeply marked the generations of Juergen Teller, Wolfgang Tillmans and Ryan McGinley.

Walter Pfeiffer explore le territoire Ă©rotisĂ©, festif et intime du quotidien depuis plus de trente ans, avec la volontĂ© de traduire visuellement et de façon inĂ©dite les notions de beautĂ© et de libertĂ©. D'abord reconnu par l'underground, ce travail dĂ©sormais culte, devenu emblĂ©matique de la culture gay, prĂ©figure toute une iconographie qui aborde l'aspect performatif du travestissement, les notions de sexualitĂ© et d'identitĂ©. HĂ©ritier de photographes comme Wilhelm von Gloeden ou Herbert List et du peintre Paul Cadmus, contemporain de Larry Clark, Nan Goldin ou Peter Hujar, il a construit une Ɠuvre fondatrice pour la photographie contemporaine qui a profondĂ©ment marquĂ© les gĂ©nĂ©rations des Juergen Teller, Wolfgang Tillmans et Ryan McGinley. Les Presses du RĂ©el