Olivier Millagou

Born in 1974, Toulon

Lives and works in Bandol

Olivier Millagou has lived and worked in Bandol since the year 2000. Applying the principles of surfing to his daily life and artistic practice, he works on a small-scale production focused on promoting local territories, their history and resources. The issues of global warming and the collapse of biodiversity are inseparable from his creative process. Through his practice, Olivier Millagou seeks to promote, among other things, the notions of sobriety (by limiting the consumption of raw materials and energy), circularity (by reusing production waste and end-of-life materials in the production chain), and inclusivity (by celebrating a culture accessible to all audiences). Sharing is also a constitutive element of his work, leading him to transform many of his solo exhibitions into collaborative ones.

Olivier Millagou vit et travaille Ă  Bandol depuis 2000. Appliquant les prin­cipes du surf Ă  sa vie quotidienne et Ă  sa pratique artistique, il oeuvre Ă  une production rĂ©duite axĂ©e sur la valorisation du territoire, de son histoire et de ses ressources. Les enjeux liĂ©s au rĂ©chauffement climatique et Ă  l’effondrement de la biodi­versitĂ© sont indissociables de son processus crĂ©atif. À travers sa pratique, Olivier Millagou cherche Ă  promouvoir entre autres les notions de sobriĂ©tĂ© (en limitant la consommation de matiĂšres premiĂšres et d’énergie), de circula­ritĂ© (par la rĂ©utilisation des dĂ©chets de production et des matĂ©riaux en fin de vie dans la chaĂźne de production), ainsi que d’inclusivitĂ© (en cĂ©lĂ©brant une culture accessible Ă  tous les publics). Le partage est Ă©galement un Ă©lĂ©ment constitutif de son travail, l’amenant Ă  transformer nombre de ses expositions personnelles en expositions collabo­ratives.